

Welcome to the Hanover High School Council blog.

On June 14, 1977, the Dresden Board of directors voted unanimously to support the system of governance body at Hanover High School known as The Council. The Council shall have the authority to act on all matter at Hanover High School not controlled by school board, state policy, and administrative regulations. The Council is the governing body of Hanover High School.

The minutes are posted every week and can be found below.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Minutes of 10/25

Agenda for 11/1
1)    Approval of Minutes
2)    Reports
3)    3 test motion
4)    Bylaw notification
5)    Open gym motion
6)    Notes & New business
Council Minutes of 10/25

1)    Approval of minutes
2)    Reports
(DSB) DSB met on Tuesday and discussed 5 major goals for the year. Two goals are forming the strategic planning committee and talking about curriculum. Kelsey is a member of the strategic planning committee so talk to her if you’re interested in participating. Next DSB meeting is on Tuesday Nov. 26.
(SL) discussing a motion brought to us about having a bell in between class.                  (SA) encourge others to go to other school sanctioned events. Be a spectator for a sport outside your own.                 
(Admin) talked about x-periods, how to approach with solutions specific to circumstances (e.g. classes like P.E., Health, etc.). Also looking at creating an easier student handbook with FAQs and other easy features.
(Curric) Common App does ask, “has a student ever been disciplined”, so they still do have to report. Working on restorative justice.
(Mr. Berube) Weight room is open four days a week, Monday-Thursday from 3:15-4:15. Students who want to work out need to sign a waiver that is available in the athletic office.

Motion: “I move to shut down the high school for sixteen days in protest of the fact that we don’t have condoms in the bathrooms”
Amendment: “I move to have condoms in the bathrooms”
Authorship speech: Despite the unprofessional way in which this motion was first                   presented, this is a real and important issue that should be explored, hopefully by                   Student Life since adequate research has not yet been conducted.
Research needs to be done
                  Condoms are available in the nurse’s office
Council has discussed this before
                  Many mental health reasons in favor of having readily available contraception for teens
Look into how community would react
                  •Worried this would increase the amount of sex on school grounds
•Should be available to kids
                  •Talking to someone face to face about this is important
                  Why better to have in the bathroom?
o   Uncomfortable talking with nurse
o   Social anxiety presents real issue for some people who wish to practice safe sex but who don’t want to talk to random adults about it
·       Great topic for CG to discuss – discussion can be opened up to the school
Debate closes.
Amendment passes.
Referral: “I move to refer this to the student life committee”
Referral passes.

[Student Life]: We are bringing this motion back with neither a recommendation to fail nor a recommendation to pass because we don’t want to burden council with a 2/3 majority requirement to go against our decision. We don’t feel like we are any better informed than the rest of council on this issue, so we feel uncomfortable making a recommendation. One person on our committee wanted to recommend to fail because he felt that freshmen need to spend a whole year becoming part of the school culture and getting into school activities before they start leaving campus.
                  • We need to be grateful for what we already have and not jeopardize our privileges
• We should listen to the parents; ~70-75% of them don’t support this because they know the system, value open campus, and don’t want us to jeopardize the program
•[Mr. Smith] We shouldn’t make this change to our already flawed open campus system. Few people actually sign out and if they do their markings are often illegible. Most poor behavior reported by the Co-op is the work of the 10th graders. This shows that the maturation process is important.
Need to remember to keep pushing the boundaries – don’t need to be scared of the state, parents, etc.
• We are supposed to represent the students
• Need to be sure to let community know what our process has been so they know that

Debate closes.
Roll-Call on the Motion.
Motion Fails.

                  Motion: “I move to not use microphones”
                  Prevents effective and proficient communications
                  •Minutes are difficult to write if people are too quiet
                  •Make sure to speak up so everyone can hear if we choose to not use microphones
Debate closes.
Motion passes.
Meeting Adjourns.