

Welcome to the Hanover High School Council blog.

On June 14, 1977, the Dresden Board of directors voted unanimously to support the system of governance body at Hanover High School known as The Council. The Council shall have the authority to act on all matter at Hanover High School not controlled by school board, state policy, and administrative regulations. The Council is the governing body of Hanover High School.

The minutes are posted every week and can be found below.


Thursday, September 30, 2010


Agenda: 9/30/10
1.     Approve Minutes
2.     Reports
3.     Freshmen Coop Motion
4.     Mission Statement Motion
5.     Cuts Motion
6.     Notes & New Business
Council Minutes 9/24/10

Action is eloquence.
                                                                        - William Shakespeare
1.     Approval of Minutes
2.     Reports:
·      [Mod]: Welcome Freshmen! Please turn your electronics off and keep side conversations to a minimum.
·      [A-Mod]: Welcome! Know that Council members can recognize you.
·      [Treasurer]: No report.
·      [DSB]: There was a meeting on Tuesday.
·      [PR]: Sending around a sign up sheet for the Cost Reduction Committee. Forum next Thursday at 7pm. Student opinions are very important!
·      [Admin]: Working/revising the mission statement.
·      [Secretary]: Senior alternate may vote. Minutes are online if you need them.
·      [Curric]: Cost Reduction Committee member came to talk about budget.
·      [OEC]: New/Tuition Student elections coming next week.
·      [SL]: Worked on microwave and water fountain motions.
·      [Exec]: Trying to find a home for Council. We’ll be in the Cafe next week.
·      [COI]: Looking at cuts and direct effects on students.
·      [Megan]: There is work being done on the locker/classroom number plaques.
·      [SA]: Homecoming! Quidditch sign-ups next week.
                       o   Motion: I move to discuss Winter Carnival right after reports.
Motion Passed
·      [Ms. Brisson]: Act now on future cuts by coming to the forum on Thursday. Make your voice heard! Also, check out the SAU website.
Technical Difficulties…Winter Carnival postponed for the moment
3.     Notes & New Business
·       [Ben Stallman]: Motion: I move that freshmen be allowed to go to the Coop during Activity Period.
o   Discussion
-       Open campus is not a right, it’s an earned privilege
-       There are already so many people that visit the COOP!
-       Motion: I move to close debate
Motion Failed
-       This is still a matter of responsibility, there’s more freedom already from middle school to high school
-       This is perfectly reasonable, not discussing open campus
-       Some freshmen are more mature than sophomores
-       It’s a rite of passage, earned sophomore year
-       I move to table this motion until after we discuss Winter Carnival.
Motion Passed
4.     Winter Carnival
·      February 11th, 2011
·      Dress-up days, class colors, fun events, school spirit
·      Classes are 35 minutes
·      New events: ball around the world, human curling
·      Look for news on the board in the atrium
·      Motion: I move to approve Winter Carnival.
Motion Passed
5.     Coop Motion
·      Motion: I move to un-table the Coop motion.
Motion Passed
·      Discussion
                       o   Good for the Coop, more business
                       o   This would help you manage your time better
                       o   Why does the school not trust freshmen? This is a school of trust
                       o   Discussing going to the Coop = discussing off campus
                       o   Parental concerns/worries, chaotic transition to HHS
                       o   This would create chaos. Who would monitor where they go?
                       o   Freshmen should be exploring clubs/activities during Activity Period
                       o   Our cafe needs business too!
                       o   Second semester privileges?
                       o   We have are so lucky to have these opportunities, can’t risk losing it
                       o   A year isn’t that long to wait
                       o   We talk about this every year and it doesn’t happen
                       o   Why do we let freshmen have off-campus privileges during exam week?
                       o   Freedom to succeed, freedom to fail
                       o   Buddy system? Peer groups?
                       o   Freshmen wouldn’t go to the Coop every day
                       o   Motion: I amend the motion to finish with “starting second semester”.
·      Discussion on the Amendment
                       o   Same arguments apply
                       o   Motion: I amend the motion to read, “I move that freshmen be allowed to go to the Coop during Activity Period starting second semester but that can be revoked at any time and requires parent permission”.
·      Discussion on the Amendment to the Amendment
                       o   Same arguments apply
                       o   Doesn’t this slight other businesses that aren’t the Coop?
                       o   This still doesn’t fix anything
Debate Closed
Amendment to the Amendment Failed
Meeting Adjourned

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Agenda: 9/24/10
1.     Approve Minutes
2.     Reports
3.     Mission Statement Motion
4.     Notes & New Business

Council Minutes 9/17/10

Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does.”
                                                                        - William James
1.     Approval of Minutes
2.     Reports:
·      [Mod]: Please speak up!
·      [A-Mod]: No report.
·      [Treasurer]: No report.
·      [Secretary]: Junior alternate may vote. The website has been updated!
·      [DSB]: No report.
·      [PR]: The Civitas presentations went well. I’m going to try to make a presentation we can use every year.
·      [Exec]: Please review the new bylaws and make changes as necessary. Heads up that skipping common ground counts as a cut.
·      [Admin]: We’re looking for a speaker/activity for MLK day.
·      [Curric]: We talked about co-curricular code revisions and cost reduction committee member might meet with us soon.
·      [OEC]: New and tuition student elections planned for September 30th during common ground in the atrium.
·      [SA]: Next Friday is Homecoming. Winter carnival points: each grade decorates a part of the fence and tallying members from each grade. Quittage sign-ups next week.
·      [SL]: We talked about accomplishments last year and new goals.
·      [COI]: We talked about cuts. Dr. Gersen presenting view on the budget 9/20, public forum 9/30.

3.     Superintendent Search Committee Election
·      [Mrs. Addante]: We want a student rep for reviewing candidates and being a part of the overall process. It’s a pretty heavy commitment, mainly after school in Dec/Jan, first meeting in the next 2 weeks.

Discussion To Be Continued…

4.     Defacing Standardized Tests Motion
·      Discussion on the Amendment
                                                -     Make this motion more general to all tests and assignments
                                                -     The administration can make the distinction concerning vulgarity
                                                -     Is there already something about this in the handbook?
·      Amendment to the Amendment
                                                -     Motion: I move to change “test” to “school assessment”.
Debate Closed
-       POI: [Mr. Smith]: There is a distinction among students between schoolwork and state standardized tests. This allows us to have a method for problems in the future.
Motion Passes

·      Discussion on the Motion
-       [Mr Smith]: This keeps the integrity of my motion.
-       We’ve covered all the problems we had with this motion
Debate Closed
Motion Passes

5.     Mission Statement Discussion
·      [Scout]: I wanted to emphasize that this is not just a “Student Council”, but represents the whole school community and staff as well.
·      NEASC is coming up, our timing may be early, need to include others
·      There are some wording errors, but the message is great
·      We need to inform the students, staff, and community
·      Referral Motion: I move to refer this to Admin.
Debate Closed
Motion Passes

6.     Superintendent Search Committee Election (Continued)
·      We’ll all nominate candidates and vote for one person
·      Results: Jake Kornfeld, Abidjan Walker (alt.)

7.     Notes & New Business
·      Feedback on Atrium location? Email Scott
·      Motion: I move to put a water fountain outside the school.
                                                -     [Jake]: Near athletic facilities, nowhere to get water outside locker room, good for preseason
                                                -     Referral Motion: I move to refer this to Student Life.
Debate Closed
Motion Passes
·      What happened to the motion about locker/classroom signs?
·      Hard to hear! Caf? TVs? Good discussion is more important than public view
·      Reminder about Spirit Club — contact Henry Butler or Ms. Murray
·      Motion: I move to appropriate $150 to purchase a microwave for student use.
-       Is this appropriate for Council funds?
-       We could fundraise instead
-       Referral Motion: I move to refer this to Student Life.
Debate Closed
Motion Passes

Meeting Adjourned