

Welcome to the Hanover High School Council blog.

On June 14, 1977, the Dresden Board of directors voted unanimously to support the system of governance body at Hanover High School known as The Council. The Council shall have the authority to act on all matter at Hanover High School not controlled by school board, state policy, and administrative regulations. The Council is the governing body of Hanover High School.

The minutes are posted every week and can be found below.


Thursday, December 16, 2010


Agenda: 12/17/10
1.     Approve Minutes
2.     Reports
3.     100 Point GPA Motion
4.     Honor Code Motion
5.     School Climate Committee Motion
6.     Notes & New Business

Council Minutes 12/10/10

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
                                                                        - J.K. Rowling

1.     Approval of Minutes
2.     Reports:
·      [Mod]: Agenda change — moving GPA motion ahead of Honor Code motion.
·      [Exec]: Many are impressed with the topics that Council talks about.
·      [Admin]: Still working on the MLK assembly, set for January 17th.
·      [Curric]: X-day motion (talking to Ms. Gillespie), CC code (met with Mr. Murphy), and another week on 15% motion.
·      [OEC]: Bylaws coming next week hopefully.
·      [SL]: Language department policy for going Dartmouth.
·      [SA]: Hanover’s Got Talent Dec. 22 with MC of Dmitry.
·      [SSC]: Interviews starting Saturday!
·      [Linda]: At next DSB meeting, Cost Reduction Committee discussion.

3.      100 Point GPA Motion
·      Motion: I move that HHS’s GPA be calculated on a 100 point scale.
                       o   [Rachel]: easier to determine your place, more exact, easier for colleges to see where you are
·      Mr. Glenney
                       o   If GPA calculation is important, we should do it precisely
                       o   Condensing 100 pt scale to 4 pt scale blurs the accuracy of the data
-       Making a crude calculation falsely precise
                       o   Not inconvenient to teachers, the computer makes the 4 pt scale
·      Mr. McCracking (see ppt.)
                       o   Accepted standards
-       Colleges/CollegeBoard likes 4 pt scale
-       Our scale is most common
-       Meshes well with Dartmouth courses
                       o   Variability in grading
-       Teachers are human, not exact
-       Each teacher grades differently
-       Performance based classes are difficult to grade with points
                       o   Fairness and competition
-       We want to recognize more students and reduce competition
-       Increased grade-grubbing will result
-       Cherry picking teachers
                       o   Helpful or hurtful
-       May hurt chances of college acceptance
-       Difference b/t excellent and super excellent student?
-       Could hurt acceptance of students into competitive schools
·      Questions/Clarifications
                       o   There are high schools that use the 100 pt scale
                       o   Colleges vary on viewing the 4 pt scale differently than 100 pt scale
                       o   The transcript holds the most weight in decision
                       o   Averages over 100 would appear
                       o   Our transcripts now show only letter grades
·      Discussion
                       o   One point on 100 scale matters a lot
                       o   We might want to look at putting an A+ on transcripts
                       o   We need to stop worrying so much about grades
                       o   Nothing will ever be good enough, let the students relax!
                       o   Performance classes are nearly impossible to put a number on
                       o   Learn for learning’s sake! What is the importance of high school?
                       o   Grade grubbing already happens
                       o   Placing exactitude where nothing’s exact
                       o   One student could receive two different grades with two different teachers
                       o   This could cause large problems for teachers

Meeting Adjourned

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Agenda: 12/10/10
1.     Approve Minutes
2.     Reports
3.     Honor Code Motion
4.     100 Point GPA Motion
5.     Common Ground Switch Motion
6.     Notes & New Business
Council Minutes 12/3/10

The future depends on what we do in the present.
                                                                        - Mahatma Gandhi

1.     Approval of Minutes
2.     Reports:
·      [Mod]: Just note item 4, Honor Code, should be a motion, not a discussion.
·      [A-Mod]: Be careful with the new microphones!
·      [Secretary]: Junior alternate may vote. Recycling went well, but still don’t have all members helping out! Please help!
·      [DSB]: Passed Truancy motion and Bullying Motion.
·      [Admin]: Working on MLK assembly and visitors motion.
·      [Curric]: Working on x-day guidelines, Rachel.
·      [OEC]: Still working on the bylaws, bringing them next week.
·      [SA]: Hanover’s Got Talent on Dec. 22!
·      [SSC]: Applications in, interviewing candidates next week.
·      [COI]: Passed 3 new social studies courses (economics, street law, constitutional law), postponing valedictorian motion.
·      [Spirit Club]: If you need sports posters, let us know!

3.     15% Motion: no test can count for more than 15% of your quarter grade.
·      Discussion
                       o   Still can’t dictate teachers’ time
                       o   Let the teachers teach!
                       o   Having tests count for so much is not what HHS is all about
                       o   Tests shouldn’t represent teaching/learning
                       o   Don’t be afraid to comment on how you learn best!
                       o   [Rachel]: This would really only rule out extreme cases, in some classes having a lot of tests helps you learn
                       o   Motion: I move to refer this to Curric.
·      Discussion on Referral
                       o   Still needs work, research
                       o   It has to go through staff, won’t right now
                       o   There aren’t a lot of staff here to vote on this motion
                       o   Motion: I move to close debate.
Debate Closes
Motion Referred

4.     Honor Code Motion
·      Motion: I move to strike the academic honor code from the HHS handbook.
                       o   [Ms. Stevenson]: Right before the academic integrity policy is the academic honor code. It states that students have an obligation to report cheating students, yet the majority doesn’t.
·      Questions/Clarifications
                       o   Originally a change to the school culture
                       o   What exactly are we striking?
o   Wherever appropriate, right now the whole introductory paragraph.
                       o   No students ever been disciplined for breaking the code
·      Discussion
                       o   Worthy to keep, personal goal to keep going for
                       o   There will always be people who break the code, hard to manage
                       o   We don’t follow a lot of policies (i.e. dress code) so this is opening a bigger issue
                       o   Never knew about this part of the policy
                       o   We should discuss this in civitas classes/common grounds
                       o   What message does this send? Not too great!
                       o   Students at HHS have responsibility and accountability
                       o   Breaking the Honor Code brings down the whole community
                       o   Would never talk to a cheating student, awkward position to be in
                       o   [Ms. Stevenson]: you admit to breaking the code despite being bound to it, if seniors can’t abide by code, how will freshmen?
                       o   We need to look at why people are cheating
·      Motion: I move to amend the motion to strike “responsibility to report violations” from this policy (whole section).
o   [Dmitry]: we can keep the spirit without mandating formal reporting.
·      Discussion on Amendment
                       o   Don’t sink to this lower level, push yourselves to be better
                       o   Should we say we “strongly recommend” those to act?
                       o   Still need a higher bar to reach for
                       o   Need to make the honor code more visible/known
                       o   Maybe our stereotype of tattle-tales/cheating needs to change

Meeting Adjourns

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Agenda: 12/3/10
1.     Approve Minutes
2.     Reports
3.     15% Motion
4.     Honor Code Motion
5.     Notes & New Business
Council Minutes 11/19/10

The path to success is to take massive, determined action
                                                                                                            - Tony Robbins

1.     Approval of Minutes
2.     Reports
·       [A-Mod]: Please try to be on time and help set up chairs beforehand!
·       [Sec]: Senior alternate may vote. Please send me any feedback on the minutes! I corrected the minutes from last week and put up motions from this year on the blog.
·       [DSB]: There’s a meeting next week, looking at budget for next year and various policies.
·       [Exec]: I think our exposure in the Caf has been a great change, encourage friends to be involved in committees as well as meetings.
·       [Admin]: Still looking for a speaker for MLK day.
·       [Curric]: Going to be meeting Tuesdays Activity Period from now on.
·       [OEC]: Freshmen class committee met with their advisors, working on bylaw revisions, please send committee attendance to Katie.
·       [SL]: There won’t be a meeting next week.
·       [SA]: Dodgeball was postponed, “Hanover’s Got Talent” coming up!
·       [COI]: Valedictorian motion edited to a breakdown of cum laudes, possible 100 pt grade scale, passed two new social studies courses.
·       [Class Committees]
                        o   Sophomores: Class t-shirts almost done.
                        o   Juniors: Please get in your poinsettia order forms!
                        o   Seniors: Bake pies please!

3.     60% Motion
·       Recap: I move to make it so that tests can only count for up to 60% of your quarter grade.
                        o   [Carl]: By making tests so important, you encourage kids to not do their hw, remember we are representing the whole school
·       Discussion
                        o   Hw helps you do well on tests even if it doesn’t count as much
                        o   Singles out departments who use tests as major category of assessments
                        o   Asking teachers to change the way they teach
                        o   You still need to learn good study habits
                        o   Hw and class participation have to count towards something
                        o   What is the real purpose of tests? Do they help you learn?
                        o   Not doing your hw brings your grade down
                        o   Colleges do a lot of things that don’t help you learn
                        o   Everyone learns differently, we need to respect that
                        o   We need to prepare for college and play that “game”
                        o   Let’s shoot this down and bring a revised motion
                        o   Motion: I move to close debate.
Debate Closes
Motion Fails

4.     Visitors Motion
·       Motion: I move that we accept a guest permission slip to help the school keep track of visitors (see document).
                        o   [Mr. Smith]: We are a popular place to visit, a very open campus, it’s difficult to monitor who enters the building, don’t have a way to manage visitors, parents and schools unaware
·       Questions/Clarifications
                        o   What about foreign exchange students?
-        Yes, they would need one, host family’s parents could sign
                        o   We have no current policy or permission slip on visitors, just a pass
                        o   What’s the history here?
-        No big problems, easier for the administration, preventative
                        o   Timeline?
-        3 days ahead of time
                        o   Do guests or alumni count?
-        Just guests, alumni at discretion of Dean
                        o   We should add parent signatures to this slip
                        o   There would be more restrictions on visitors
                        o   Hopefully downloadable, easy to email and print
                        o   This would be a handbook change
·       Motion: I move to refer this motion to Admin.
·       Referral
                        o   Motion: I move to close debate.
Debate Closes
Motion Passes

5.     Notes & New Business
·       Motion: I move to have no test count for more than 15% of your quarter grade.
                        o   [Rachel]: I don’t think a lot of small quizzes are a problem, this way there can only be 4 big tests per quarter
·       Discussion
                        o   This makes more sense and is more reasonable
                        o   Do any tests count more than 15%?
-        Yes, if you only have 3 tests per quarter
                        o   Papers are not included
                        o   Would this work in the portal?
-        Sure, it can be changed to whatever we need it to be
                        o   This looks like more homework and daily grades
                        o   This problem is bigger than just tests — it’s assessments and assignments
                        o   Still have a problem with any restrictions on teachers
                        o   Tests are tests, just do them
                        o   There are so many styles of classes, we can’t put everything into one box
·       Motion: I move to adjourn.

Meeting Adjourns