

Welcome to the Hanover High School Council blog.

On June 14, 1977, the Dresden Board of directors voted unanimously to support the system of governance body at Hanover High School known as The Council. The Council shall have the authority to act on all matter at Hanover High School not controlled by school board, state policy, and administrative regulations. The Council is the governing body of Hanover High School.

The minutes are posted every week and can be found below.


Sunday, October 31, 2010


Agenda: 10/29/10
1.     Approve Minutes
2.     Reports
3.     Activity Period Discussion
4.     Break Into Committees
5.     New Business
Council Minutes 10/22/10

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
                                                                                                - Albert Einstein
1.     Approval of Minutes
2.     Reports:
·      [Mod]: I missed you all last week!
·      [Secretary]: Senior and sophomore alternates may vote. Please use the microphone so it comes through on the video!
·      [DSB]: There’s a meeting on Tuesday, discussing March Intensive
·      [PR]: Remember to sign in to get points for Winter Carnival, did we figure out the opinion board?
·      [Curric]: Talked about the x-day motion and mid-course evaluations
·      [OEC]: Freshmen class committee should be forming soon, moving on to bylaws
·      [SL]: Working on an internet/printing evaluation.
·      [SA]: Quidditch went fantastically! Next week is Halloween dress up day and semi finals!
·      [COI]: We looked over the March Intensive selections and passed them.
·      [SSC]: Met last night, community forums Oct. 27th at the Howe Library, and Oct.  28th at Marion Cross School at 7pm

3.     X-Day Motion
·      Motion: I move that every class have X-periods at least twice a month.
·      [Rachel]: There has been discussion on the purpose of X-periods which are now the teacher’s time to do as they wish. Students’ current problems:
                       o   Making up work due to absences/illness
                       o   No time to meet with teachers to ask questions – no other time from other commitments
                       o   Need for down time to stay focused through the day
                       o   Not all teachers give X-periods
                       o   Students should have the ability to decide how to use X-periods effectively for their learning style
·      Discussion
                       o   Intended not to be just a “work period”
                       o   Would people with lower grades be required to stay?
-       Still a choice to stay or go
                       o   Does not change the meaning of an x, just ensures teachers give them
                       o   Mandated in ALL classes
                       o   Math and science give fewer Xs – won’t change their ways
-       No math and science teachers on council!
-       Have to uses Xs from other classes to make up their work
                       o   Isn’t there time after school, activity period to solve this problem?
-       Sports after school, buses, clubs, not enough time for tests
                       o   Many teachers won’t agree because of their large curriculum
                       o   Remember X-days count as instructional time for teachers
-       Not a student right!
                       o   Some teachers use Xs to invite certain students who need help
                       o   Very useful for make-up work or those falling behind from absences
                       o   This should only apply to freshmen
                       o   We need Xs as breaks, so much to absorb!
                       o   There will always be exceptions to this motion
                       o   Provides more one-on-one meetings with teachers
                       o   We need to make it clear on what our X-period means
                       o   Students should manage their time better, take fewer classes/do fewer activities
                       o   This would only be mandatory twice a month, not every week
                       o   Dresden Plan students need this time to talk with teachers
                       o   Our schedule isn’t set up for extra time, must have these Xs
                       o   Motion: I move to close debate.
Debate Closes
Motion Passes

4.     Activity Period Discussion
·      [Carl]: Talked with a lot of students, there are thoughts to move activity period to after 4th period.
·      Discussion
                       o   It’s fine how it is, proportional 3 classes then 4 classes
                       o   It would be easier to take Dartmouth classes if Activity Period moves
                       o   It was moved to the current schedule because of Hartford VOTECH
                       o   10:45 isn’t lunch time! This idea makes more sense
                       o   Maybe we could hold a trial week
                       o   Just bring/buy your food and save it for later, not a big deal
                       o   Activity Period doesn’t have to be a lunch time, just a break
                       o   People have different amounts of energy in the morning
                       o   Motion: I move to close discussion.
Motion Fails

Meeting Adjourns

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Agenda: 10/22/10
1.     Approve Minutes
2.     Reports
3.     X-Day Motion
4.     Activity Period Discussion
5.     Notes & New Business
Council Minutes 10/15/10

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”
                                                                                                                                                - John Quincy Adams
1.     Approval of Minutes
2.     Reports:
·       [A-Mod]: I’ll be moderating in the absence of Megan.
·       [Treasurer]: There’s a money allocation coming up.
·       [Secretary]: Senior alternate may vote.
·       [PR]: We need to decide on the 3 representatives for the Opinion Board.
·       [Admin]: Need to check in with Student Life and set up our NEASC committee
·       [Curric]: Bylaw notification, CCCC revisions, quarter evaluations
·       [OEC]: Working on the bulletin board and freshmen class committee
·       [SA]: Quidditch starts up next Friday, Harry Potter dress-up day, check out our board in the atrium!
·       [SL]: Our meetings are now Monday, Activity Period or Tuesdays before school on short weeks. Mr. Brush is looking into the water fountain motion.
·       [COI]: We talked about cuts and shared thoughts about the portal.
·       [Superintendant Search Committee]: met for the first time, need feedback on these questions:
                       o   What are you looking for in a superintendent? What qualities are you looking for in this person?
                       o   What tasks should they accomplish in their first year?
·       [CG Steering]: Meeting every other week, please send us ideas
·       [Suicide Awareness]: Please remember to be sensitive/tolerant of others.
·       [Kim]: The football game is cancelled.

3.     Money Allocation
·       Motion: I move to allocate $75 out of the CC funds to the Dothan Brook French Program for materials.
                       o   They used to get money from private funds, but no longer are supported
                       o   We have $1,100.25 in co-curricular funds
                       o   This is a great program, we send kids from HHS to spend once a week exposing kids to the French language, creates interest among students
Debate Closes
Motion Passes

4.     Cuts Motion
·       [Mrs. Cep.]: To recap, the cuts policy in the handbook states that the first cut is a warning, and the second a schedule-up. This isn’t serious enough and I proposed to eliminate the warning. I think students will take it more seriously this way.
·       It’s really hard to actually forget to go to class, a schedule-up isn’t that bad
·       This is straightforward and very clear, easier to keep track of in recordkeeping
·       Many teachers are understanding and will let tardiness/cuts go due to unfortunate circumstances, students are honest
·       We should be able to go and talk to our teachers first, “beg for mercy”
·       Our policy now is fine, there are always misunderstandings
·       We need to have the flexibility we have now
·       Note: 3 tardies = cut, more than 10 minutes late can result in a cut
·       Just do a meeting with the Dean of Students
·       Amendment: I move to change the motion to “allow the teacher to recommend a 5-day schedule-up to the Dean of Students on the first cut, but the second cut will result in a 5-day schedule-up, meeting with Dean and parents.
                       o   [Mrs. Cep]: Can I reject this motion?
                       o   This motion can only be rejected by Scott if it is completely against its spirit
                       o   This could cause arguments between Dean of students, teachers, and students
                       o   This is pretty much already stated in the current handbook
Debate Closes
Motion Fails
·       Students are responsible for being at class, respect to teachers and other students
·       Attendance policies for teachers will be in their course standards
·       Disagree with the definition of a cut, need to find a schoolwide understanding
·       We want to produce responsible students and in real life you need to show up on time, trying to provide a real-life experience with this motion
·       Amendment #2: I move to change the motion to say “the student will have a 24 hour period to resolve any misunderstandings with the teacher otherwise there will be a 5-day schedule up.
o   Attendance process: students arrive, teachers mark down if a student is tardy or absent unless there is an excused absence
o   Attendance recorded at the end of the day
o   Motion: Amendment to the Amendment
Motion Retracted
·       POI: Guidance counselors only report behavioral concerns, not cuts
·       Motion: I move to close debate
Motion Fails
·       Discussion on Amendment #2
o   I don’t agree with the zero tolerance policy or even this degree of strictness
o   There’s a lot of other points on the agenda worth getting to
o   This incorporates all the concerns we had, great compromise
o   I disagree with this amendment, class is serious, we come to school to learn
Debate Closes
Amendment Passes
·       Discussion on the Amended Motion
Debate Closes
Motion Passes
·       We shouldn’t just close debate to move things along, keep that in mind
Meeting Adjourns