

Welcome to the Hanover High School Council blog.

On June 14, 1977, the Dresden Board of directors voted unanimously to support the system of governance body at Hanover High School known as The Council. The Council shall have the authority to act on all matter at Hanover High School not controlled by school board, state policy, and administrative regulations. The Council is the governing body of Hanover High School.

The minutes are posted every week and can be found below.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Agenda 12/16/2011
  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Reports
  3. Open Executive Session Motion
  4. Close Executive Session Motion
  5. Robert's Rules Modification Motion
  6. Notes & New Business 
“If you think Council is stupid…you’re wrong.” ~Carl Tischbein

Council Minutes 12/9/2011

1.          Approval of Minutes
2.         Reports
·      [Mod]: Mt. Greylock students are now visiting January 6th. Admin should be working on organizing the Martin Luther King assembly.
·      [DSB]: DSB Meeting on Tuesday the 6th of this month.
·      [PR]: A Council update in the Broadside is forthcoming.
·      [Admin]: We’re still researching the test returns motion.
·      [Curric]: The CCCC will be coming to the DSB this Tuesday, we’ll be looking at it today.
·      [SA]: We’ll be discussing Winter Carnival next week, please bring suggestions for activities!
·      [SL]: We are looking through some historical documents to evaluate open campus, we will also be doing more research. Food vending machines will be coming soon.
3.          CCCC
·      Motion: I move that Council endorse the DEC-approved Co-Curricular Code of Conduct.
o   [Melanie]: The creation of this document has been a long process, with the original goal being to create equal guidelines between extra-curricular activities. This is also supposed to promote truth-telling.
·      Significant Changes & Questions:
o    The Dean of Students may rely on the filing of police charges to make decisions.
§  We’re not going crazy here, this is just because it can take a while for the legal formalities to go through – we want to be able to make decisions in a speedier manner. But we’re not going to take advantage of this.  Also schools operate under lower legal standards then the rest of the world.
o   The administration may assign a stricter punishment based on severe misconduct.
o   if there is no offense within 18 months, the violation may be considered a first offense.
o   Punishments may include removal from 20% of TOTAL public performances.
§  How do we know number of games in finals/end-of-season games? How will this be calculated?
o   Student leadership positions can be restored by the Dean of Students.
o   Students will be punished for accepting transportation other than school-provided transportation without proper permission.
o   Council is currently considered an activity under the code.
§  Is Council a co-curricular activity? Should it be subject to the jurisdiction of the code?

Meeting adjourns.


Council Minutes 12/12/2011

1.          Approval of Minutes
2.         CCCC
·      Motion: I move to amend the motion so that the document title would be the “Code of Conduct” and the following paragraph would be added to the first section of the code:

The Council is “the governance body at Hanover High School, representative of the students and staff” and Council members are therefore subject to the Council Bylaws in addition to these guidelines; the Council Executive, the Council Executive Committee, and the Organizational Engineering Committee (OEC), in concert with the Dean of Students develops and enforces the standards and penalties applicable to the “The Council.”
o   [Melanie]: This amendment make it such that Council is no longer considered a co-curricular activity. It would also ensure that Council members would be subject to the minimum guidelines of the code, but Council would still have the power to do follow up with its own decision-making process.
·      Clarifying Questions:
o   This would just state the Code is the baseline for punishment, correct? And our Council process is an additive to the code?
§  Yes.
o   Based on what we discussed two weeks ago, what defines Council leadership?
§  The code will state that only the Council executives and committee chairs are  considered leadership.
·      Discussion:
o   This will really clarify the code for the board, it’s good progress. It will also give the board a opportunity to look over the Council bylaws recently.
o   The changes are good in general, except the name might be a little confusing as to who it applies.
o   This amendment is redundant, clubs and activities are already given the opportunity to enforce their own consequences.
o   This is great because Council can still make its own decisions freely.
o   What would the order be? Would the code’s punishments come first? Or would Council’s?
§  It would be great for everyone to meet first, but the Code’s punishments would happen first.
o   Although not the best, this version is the best we have right now.
Debate closes.
Motion (amendment) passes.

Debate closes.
Motion passes.

Meeting adjourns.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Agenda: 12/9/2011

1.          Approval of Minutes
2.         Reports
3.          CCCC
4.         Robert’s Rules Modification Motion
5.         Notes & New Business

“There is nothing so powerful as the truth, and often nothing so strange.” ~Daniel Webster

Council Minutes 12/2/2011

1.          Approval of Minutes
2.         Reports
·      [A-Mod]: Mt. Greylock students will be visiting us a week from today (later changed) and they are looking at HHS and our democratic school. We are looking for shadowees to host them when they come.
·      [DSB]: We talked about the principle search committee, as well as school climate and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
·      [Sec]: No alternates can vote.
·      [SA]: Flannel dress up day later this month.
·      [SL]: Looking at the freshmen off campus motion.
·      [Curric]: CCCC coming next week, we’ll be discussing leadership today.
·      [Dmitry]: Talent show tonight, benefits MI Scholarship Fund.
3.          Search Committee Rep Selection
·      Principle Search Committee Student Reps:
o   Rowan Dunfey & Krista Brown.
4.         Council Leadership Discussion
·      We need to discuss whether all Council members are considered leadership or if only leadership is considered leaders. We should figure out how these roles play into the CCCC. Right now, OEC deals with this.
·      Admin: We don’t really like either option, but if we had to choose one, we would say only Council leadership should be considered leadership. We really don’t think judging Council members on the same criterion as athletic teams is right, we are a governmental body and should have a different set of rules.
·      OEC: Only Council leadership should be considered leadership. The code would take care  of the removal of a Council Officer, but then OEC could manage disciplinary actions for Council members (including leadership that had already been demoted by the code).
·      Student Activities: We think OEC should be controlling this, but only Council leadership should be considered leadership.
·      Student Life: We thought in the same ways as the other committees, Council leadership should be considered leadership.

Meeting adjourns.